Zoi Bitsiori, Dimitra Balaska
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Publication year:
- Bitsiori Zoi, R.N, Ms(c) in Intensive Care Unit, ICU, ELPIS Hospital,Athens,Greece
- Balaska Dimitra, MBA-Business Admistrator, Msc 1H Health Region Athens, Greece.
Keywords index:
Pages: 113-124
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.55971
Introduction : The socio-economic, technological and demographic changes taking place in recent decades in our country and more widely in the European Union are constantly transforming the environment in which experienced the health of a nation. So the demand of citizens for health services is increasing, while spending on health is not enough. Aim:The purpose of this work was the report of organization and funding models of health systems, and the advantages and disadvantages, as applied in different countries. Also, analyzed the health system in Greece, and ways of financing. Methods: The methodology followed included a retrospective search and research studies in Greek and international literature referring to the organization and financing of health services. Results: Health is one factor that measures the physical, psychological and spiritual condition of an organism. However, sources of financing, the size and allocation of resources, the process by which reach health services, is of great importance. The finance a health system is crucial for the sustainability and public satisfaction. Conclusion: The health system in Greece is lagging behind in prevention, while paying particular attention to treatment more aggravating its financial health. So one could conclude that, although there have been many important efforts in the health sector in Greece, but still many problems unsolved that have to do with the structure, organization and operation, finance and regional allocation of resources, inequality and development of primary care.
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