Operation theatre in mass casualty events. Perseas project
A.Ioannis Zantzos, P.Vasilis Voutsinas, Ioannis Koutelekos
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Publication year:
- Zantzos A.Ioannis, Computer Scientist, General Hospital Trikala
- Voutsinas P.Vasilis, Associate Professor, Management Information Systems & Business Intelligence Lab, Department of Business Administration, University of Patras.
- Koutelekos Ioannis, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Nursing A',Technological Educational Institute of Athens
Keywords index:
Pages: 13-31
Background: For each hospital there is a chance of dealing with situations beyond its' normal function such as severe weather, major industrial accidents, or earthquake.
The aim of the present study was to explore specific guidelines for the effective management of mass disasters.
Materials and methods: The methodology included relevant both Greek and international literature review using key-words.
Results : During a mass disaster, the main problem of a hospital is the availability of groups to treat injuries so as to provide effective care. The management of a mass disaster requires the apply of a chain of actions starting with direct communication in predefined telephone numbers and employees who live within walking distance of the hospital. Regarding the actions during the mass disaster it is suggested that only one doctor will be responsible for issues related to the surgery while an employee should be assigned to record time and individuals entering or leaving the surgery including patients. Also important is the assessment of the availability of surgeons and anesthetists and ensurement of cooperation with blood donation department. Regarding actions after the end of disaster management, the completion and submission of the relevant report is needed.
Conclusions: The design of internationally accepted guidelines available to hospital in case of disaster is imperative need.Download PDF