Results for: Beta-Thalassemia Your search came up with 2 results: Volumes/Issues / Volume 12 (2023) / July-September 2023 BODY IMAGE IN MULTI – TRANSFUSED PATIENTS WITH Β – THALASSEMIA MAJOR Saturday, July 1, 2023Introduction: Beta-thalassemia is a hereditary blood disorder that is prevalent in the Mediterranean region. The patient's treatment plan must include regular blood transfusions and chelation therapy to effectively manage and eliminate excess iron in the body. Unfortunately, these treatments can cause physical changes that negatively impact their body image, self-perception, and social interactions. Volumes/Issues / Volume 12 (2023) / Issue 4 October - December 2023 SELF – ESTEEM IN PATIENTS WITH Β – THALASSEMIA MAJOR Sunday, October 1, 2023Introduction: Thalassemia major is a genetic condition caused by the formation of faulty hemoglobin chains. Those affected by this disease experience a range of severe symptoms, including heart complications, enlarged spleen, developmental delays, characteristic facial features, and severe anemia. The chronic nature of this condition, combined with its demanding treatment process, can significantly